Tuesday, September 8, 2009


"Can you imagine actually being able to enjoy the photos of this trip and not have to crop out bulbous nosed ex boyfriends?" My sister excitedly said to me last Sunday after we paid our air fare to Thailand.

"I won't have to burn the album or rip up photos in rage either," I replied.

Both Edwina and I have a history of travelling with (now ex) boyfriends. And while there is nothing wrong with that it's just when the inevitable happens your pictures become snide little reminders of memories past and looking at them is like rubbing a whole ocean of salt into raw, raw wounds. "Hey look at me with my boyfriend in front of the Eiffel Tower." Yep my happiness makes me sick, I want to punch the smug girl I used to be. The worst thing is all the stunning photos that go to waste. Most of my Europe photos are still too much of a soft spot and are sitting in my draw collecting dust.

If only there was some sort of company that professionally edits out exes or can super impose Scott Dooley's head on top of his. Maybe I should just brush up on my Adobe skills, until then there is always scissors or the trusty "crop" tool on Paint.

Hoorah for Thailand-oh-nine-land!


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