Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things I’ve Learnt While Travelling.

This is an excerpt from a list I kept at the back of my travel diary of all the silly and sometimes helpful things you learn as you go. Welcome to the secret world of backpacking! Love Bella.

  • It becomes normal to wash your clothes in the shower
  • Wearing the same outfit 3 - 4 + days in a row (with an undergarment change of course) is OK!
  • Food that doesn't come out of a packet / tin / microwace is a luxury.
  • Earplugs are a magical and ingenious invention and only fools travel without them.
  • Carrying around a backpack that is bigger than you probably means you have packed too much.
  • Always say yes.
  • Take the scenic route.
  • You can have the most interesting conversations with fellow travellers in hostels, learn so much about them yet never exchange names.
  • Paprika flavoured chips taste as bad as they sound.
  • If a 14 hour bus ride on horrendous roads is the cheapest option, take it!
  • There should be seperate dorms for snorers and non snorers.
  • A beany hides any bad hair day (and 5cm of roots).
  • ALWAYS keep your hands in your pockets around Sacre Cure otherwise you will end up with a 'good jiggy jiggy bracelet' from a pesky Jamacian scammer for 2 euro.
  • Getting matted dreadlocks in your hair that you have to cut out is a good sign it's time to brush your hair.
  • Having a choclate croissant every morning for breaky is totally acceptable if you are in Paris.
  • If you don't have butter to cook with beer is a suitable replacement.
  • You will become a defualt vego only because you cannot read what meat it is at the supermarket and the one time you took the risk with a Polish sausage that you were suppose to boil but instead fried you spent the whole night hoping not to be sick.
  • Deoderant becomes a thing of the past and your layers will hide the backpacker pong.
  • An early train /plane/bus to catch justifies Maccas breakfast.
  • Bed bugs favourite dish is the face and neck - they always devour the most visible parts.
  • Shampoo works just as well as soap.
  • Snow can make a porta loo look pretty.
  • Try to think in Pounds and Euro, converting back to the Aussie $ will only give you an instant rage attack.
  • Months of un-shaved leg hairs = extra insulation and warmth.
  • Dutch stairs are a broken leg waiting to happen.
  • Inevitably the first people you meet when you walk into a hostel will be Aussie.
  • A pastry based diet with little to no fruit for 5 months results in constant, huge purple bags under your eyes so big you could carry the shopping with them.
  • Never underestimate the kindness of strangers. Meeting generous, friendly locals restores your faith in humainty.
  • Arriving at every new city even after 5 months of being on the go still gives you a rush of excitement and curiosity.